Cannabis Chronicles Blog

Customer feedback strain review: Agri Diesel

The Cannabis Country Store in Battle Ground has finished collecting Cannabis Country Club feedback on the first strain in the second round of its program: Agrijuana‘s Agri Diesel, a hybrid. The club card lets customers buy four strains for $10 each in a four week period – and asks for customer feedback on each strain.


The club helps the store decide which strains to carry and also helps us here at Cannabis Chronicles get some consumer review information about local growers out to the public. If you haven’t visited the Cannabis Country Store yet, I’d suggest checking it out. It’s a very welcoming environment for both new and experienced cannabis customers.

The second round of the Cannabis Country Club will include the following strains:
Week 1: Agrijuana’s Agri Diesel
Week 2: Emerald Twist’s Omega
Week 3: Noble Farm’s Blueberry
Week 4: Agrijuana’s Purple

You can learn more about the club on the store’s site here:

The review and store information is below. If you try it, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section.

-SueVo (

Agri Diesel: Comment from review cards:

“Light diesel flavor, nicely cured, smells like canna butter”

“Instant calming effect, instant mood boost”

Lowest 22, Highest 37,

G-13 ratings by category (on a scale of 1-10)

Product appearance: AVERAGE 8
Lowest 4, Highest 10.

Strain aroma: AVERAGE 7
Lowest 3, Highest 10.

Burnability: AVERAGE 8
Lowest 5, Highest 10.

Taste: AVERAGE 7
Lowest 1, Highest 10.

Potency: AVERAGE 7
Lowest 3, Highest 9.

Cannabis Country Store (opened in early November, 2014)
1910 W. Main Street
Battle Ground, WA
(360) 723-0073
Facebook Page
