Post Archive
April 2015
Customer feedback strain review: Blueberry
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017The Cannabis Country Store in Battle Ground has finished collecting Cannabis Country Club feedback on the third strain in the second round of its program: Noble Farms‘s Blueberry, a sativa variety of the more typical
HEMP announces Weed Bunny Easter deal
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017Got a press release from High End Market Place this week about their Easter special – and it looks like a great deal: $25 for a half-gram of Weed Bunny BHO Shatter. New Vansterdam also
Silly Tommy Chong video
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017Just for the heck of it – a friend told me about this video of Tommy Chong making fun of those Matthew McConaughey car ads. It gave me a great laugh today. Check it out