Posts Tagged
marijuana tourism

Cannabis tourism industry gets creative
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017With the sun rising and roosters crowing, Josh Miller rolls out of a bed tucked in a greenhouse full of lush marijuana plants and lights up a joint. That’s how the Seattle attorney starts his

Marijuana Tourism in Washington: Over Before it Even Begins?
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017In Marijuana Lounges: All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go, I wrote about the problems in opening marijuana lounges in states with legal marijuana. In Washington, marijuana lounges House Bill 2136 has made such lounges illegal. The main goals

Ryan Griego: An update from Colorado
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017A few weeks ago the folks at Cannasseur, a recreational dispensary in Pueblo, Colorado, contacted me and asked if I was interested in writing about them. It’s a bit out of our area (we cover