New I502 store coming to Clark County
Sticky’s, a new retail marijuana store at 7831 N.E. Highway 99 in Clark County, was approved by the Liquor Control Board this week.
The store is right on the border between Vancouver and unincorporated Clark County, on the Clark County side.

John Larson, the owner, said he plans to open next week. He’ll start out as a paraphernalia store (selling pipes and what not), but hopes to sell marijuana as some of the legal issues over the county marijuana ban are sorted out.
“It’s been a full year,” Larson said. “It’s been a long battle even to get a license. We’re thoroughly checked out, criminal and financial history cleared. It’s really been an uphill battle.”
As for the county ban on I-502 retail businesses, he doesn’t expect it to last, he said.
“The dealings with the county, we’re having some problems there,” Larson said. “It’s going to cost them a lot of money. They might not like the law, but I think we’ll find they still have to follow it.”
A Pierce County judge upheld an I-502 business ban in the city of Fife in late August, noting that the law doesn’t require cities to allow those businesses. That case will likely continue on to the state Supreme Court early next year.
Larson said either way, he thinks the Clark County commissioners that support the ban won’t be back after the next election.
“Everybody in the county wants it,” Larson said. “It is a good economic engine. Right now they’re wasting millions of dollars.”
In the meantime, Larson is talking to several producers and processors and working to line up stock, he said.
“People will be able to buy paraphernalia, and I’ll let everybody know when I have a date for product,” Larson said. “We’ll just have to wait a little bit.”
Those interested in buying paraphernalia from the store are welcome to stop by late next week (hopefully there will be a more specific opening date soon), and they can also call Larson at 509-952-1602, he said.
ALSO: A reader pointed out some not so nice comments made by Larson about legalization in a New York Times story on July 6. Check it out here: Still-Divided Washington Prepares for Start of Recreational Marijuana Sales
The quote: “If people were dumb enough to vote it in, I’m all for it,” Larson said in the story.