H.E.M.P. Sunday Sessions Featuring Live Painting By Jessie Jordan
High End Market Place Presents: SUNDAY SESSIONS
Featuring: Live Painting by artist and H.E.M.P. budtender Jessie Jordan
Sunday, April 27th, 2016
MARIJUANA & CULTURE UNITE! Happening every last Sunday of the month, High End will feature local artists from around Clark County in live performances ranging from music, painting, and poetry to glass blowing, screen printing, and massage. Marijuana influences artists and creators of all mediums, and we hope that this monthly live event highlights this natural convergence, bringing people together to enjoy great art while shopping for some of the highest quality weed in Washington State.
Featured this month: Join us to watch live painting with local Vancouver/Portland artist, and our very own H.E.M.P. budtender, Jessie Jordan! Jessie will paint a portrait on two large canvases of a very special person…you don’t want to miss this!
About Jessie Jordan:
Jessie Jordan whom hails from Vancouver Washington works with acrylics and recycled papers to create mixed media pieces on canvas. This year she has been showcased at the Booze and Pancake Art show, the Belmont street fair, Grand opening of High End Market Place. Featured at Tap That Pub, A.N.D. cafe and Trio Furniture. Previous exhibitions include Paper Tiger Coffee Roasters and Antiques and Country lifestyle Magazine release in 2015.
About High End Market Place:
Located in the Uptown Village of downtown Vancouver, WA, High End Market Place is a 21+ recreational marijuana store. Our focus is on finding the highest quality legal weed for our customers, exceptional customer service, and offering fun cannabis cultural events to our community!
For more information, to be a featured artist, or to partnerwith us email: info@highendmarketplace or visit www.highendmarketplace.com

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