Strain Review: Berry Haze From Dawg Star Cannabis
Berry Haze combines two uplifting, energetic strains, Strawberry Cough and Super Silver Haze (my review here), both of which are sativas. The nugs I received in my jar were densely packed and light in color with a veil of trichomes that gave it a shiny, yellow coat. You can expect a sweet smell with a name like Berry Haze and this did indeed live up to that expectation as it contained a fruity smell with a pungent citrus, almost diesel scent that stung the nostrils after I broke it down. Not only did this go down smooth, but it left a sweet hazy taste on my tongue and lips.
Some friends I sesh with buy a lot on Washington’s rec side and I noticed that they kept buying products from a grower called Dawg Star Cannabis, found at Greenhead Cannabis in Vancouver. Since seshing with friends I knew I liked their weed, both Cinderella’s Dream and Dragon’s Breath were magnificently grown and smelled so fucking good! I enjoyed both highs and then one day I realized I needed some of my own. I hit up Greenhead, a shop I hadn’t been to before and asked for some Dawg Star dank and the dude working the counter was able to help me decide which strain of theirs I wanted to try. I was looking for something uplifting with a great smell and wound up going with Berry Haze. If you’re a Washington consumer and haven’t been to Greenhead Cannabis, hit them up, awesome little shop with a great selection and knowledgeable employees!
I felt like this strain was more cerebral than anything, about 4 mins after things kicked in I felt like I had just drank a triple macchiato, I was revved up and ready to go! I haven’t come across many strains that make me feel confident and empowered, but Berry Haze was definitely one of them. I took a few tokes before kickball and the usual butterflies I get before games weren’t there. Instead of feeling nervous, I felt motivated and focused on kicking ass….and there was a lot of ass kicking!
On a Friday after work I decided to toast the weekend and after a few too many bong hits I started to notice that my strain of choice was potent as fuck and all of a sudden I was in this hazy euphoric place. I was starry eyed and everything cracked me up in hysterical laughter. Eventually my eyes started to feel droopy and all I could do was sit there in a daze with a grin plastered on my face. I didn’t fall asleep, but I was definitely groggy and wanted a nap, but I powered through.
I like the energetic buzz you get with Berry Haze, it’s a great wake and bake strain that uplifts you and keeps you in a motivated zone, so task oriented and creatives would see it as beneficial. With the power of positivity one can feel when smoking Berry Haze I can see it helping with stress, depression, anxiety, or any bad thoughts and feelings of negativity. The only thing I would suggest is that you take it easy when smoking this, especially if you’re a beginner because it will sneak up on you and you’ll be stuck in a enjoyable couch-locked daze.
I’m in complete love with Dawg Star, their products, and their packaging. I wrote a small piece on this awhile back where I praised them on the fact that they make it easy for consumers to decide on which strain to try. They break it down into 3 categories: Mind, Body, and Mood, with a short explanation on what to expect when using whichever product. From there consumers can then ask budtenders to let them look and smell so they can solidify their choice. What’s better than that?
Berry Haze: 10 – Willie Nelson

The post Strain Review: Berry Haze From Dawg Star Cannabis appeared first on Mrs. Nice Guy.