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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Got an email this morning from Muraco Kyashna-tocha of the Green Buddha Patient Coop who had some comments on my story about THC counts being all over the map. He wanted to point out that

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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Learning about the immense variety of pot strains has been one of the most interesting aspects of the cannabis beat. I had no idea of the variety out there – and there are literally hundreds.

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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Got an email this morning from the Washington State Liquor Control Board with clarifications about I-502 advertising. You can check out the rules here: Frequently Asked Questions About I-502 Advertising I remember when things started

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Cannabis Chronicles Blog

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

As the recreational marijuana business sector continues to grow, so does my realization that the rabbit hole of knowledge about the plant stretches far deeper than I could ever have thought. I thought I’d try

SOURCE: Cannabis Chronicles Blog
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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

I saw an interesting piece in The Cannabist, the Denver Post’s pot portal, this morning and it got me thinking. The site has a great area for parents called Pot and Parenting. And the story

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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

In case you guys missed it, my business story about the small but growing cannabis economy ran on Sunday. Conservatively, the sector has already launched at least 50 jobs in Clark County, and that’s not

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Cannabis Chronicles Blog

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Farmer Tom Lauerman, an organic medical grower in Vancouver, has offered to do a series of pot strain reviews for us here at Cannabis Chronicles. He did his fifth review for us on what he

SOURCE: Cannabis Chronicles Blog
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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Hey Guys! Little update on what’s available this weekend for you all: Main Street Marijuana has several sizes of Liberty Reach Blue Dream available, selling for $32.50 out the door after tax. They also have

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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

I know Vancouver’s two pot shops are reluctant to name growers that they’ve had negative experiences with. In a severe shortage, it’s always a good idea to not irritate your suppliers. But fortunately for us,

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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Adam Stites, owner of Mirth Provisions in Longview, sent us another great guest post with his thoughts on the launch of edibles in Washington. Mirth should finally start bottling on Sunday, Aug. 17 and I

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