Suquamish Tribe signs nation’s first state-tribal marijuana compact
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017Well, here’s something we haven’t seen before in the wide world of legal weed. The Suquamish Tribe just signed the first state-tribal marijuana compact in the nation, the Liquor and Cannabis Board announced Tuesday. For

Marijuana industry on pace for huge second year
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017The freshest sales figures from the state Liquor and Cannabis Board show promising trends unfolding this summer for Washington’s booming recreational marijuana industry. Of course, that’s really nothing new. The market hasn’t stopped exploding since the

Looking back on a strange week for the marijuana industry
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017It’s been a weird week for marijuana news. First, the newly named Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board released figures on Tuesday that appeared to show the fledgling recreational cannabis industry beginning to plateau after just

Washington Recreational Marijuana Laws: HB 2136 Goes Into Effect TODAY
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017They took their time, but the Washington legislature finally passed its budget for this biennium. This is good news for those who love regulators, as it means that your favorite Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB)

Marijuana bill moving forward ahead of potential government shutdown
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017State lawmakers came pretty close Wednesday to finally passing a long-awaited bill that promises to shake up Washington’s recreational marijuana market. Then, they decided to table it for another day. Ah, the suspense… House Bill 2136

Pot sales continue soaring to new heights
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017Washington’s recreational marijuana market obliterated yet another sales record last week. On Friday, June 19, stores across the state sold $2,069,130 worth of marijuana products, according to figures released Tuesday morning by the Washington State

LCB busts four of 22 rec stores for selling to minors
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017Four out of 22 shops in the state do far have been busted for selling to minors since the state Liquor Control Board announced its marijuana sting operation about a week ago. None of those

Greenhead Cannabis coming soon?
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017Update: Officials from the store contacted me via email and said they plan to open in May. We should have a store tour post once they’re all set up! Cheers -SueVo Vancouver’s last of six

LCB clarifies ad rules, announces ePay for taxes
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017This is probably a bit inside baseball for most consumers, but I just thought I’d post it for our industry readers. The state Liquor Control Board sent out a release today with a few changes

LCB proposed rule changes could affect canopy, edibles
PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017The Liquor Control Board released a bunch of proposed rule changes for I-502 businesses yesterday, including one that could lead to increasing the marijuana plant canopy size for growers. The maximum amount of space for