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The Columbian

Canna Law Blog

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

With a headline like that, you know where this is going. Yes, after a little more than four glorious months of running Cannabis Chronicles, I’m calling it quits here at The Columbian. For more than

SOURCE: Canna Law Blog
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Cannabis Chronicles Blog

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

You’ve probably heard of Mary Jane, who founded Washougal-based Mary Jane’s House of Glass with her son Brandon Brock. And I’m sure seen some stories quoting Brian Budz, one of the owners of  Vancouver pot shop

SOURCE: Cannabis Chronicles Blog
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Canna Law Blog

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

As our Oregon clients gear up for recreational marijuana license applications, most of the focus has been at the state level. We recently saw top-down rules from the Oregon Health Authority(OHA) for the re-styled medical

SOURCE: Canna Law Blog
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Cannabis Chronicles BlogThe Columbian / Associated Press

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

With the sun rising and roosters crowing, Josh Miller rolls out of a bed tucked in a greenhouse full of lush marijuana plants and lights up a joint. That’s how the Seattle attorney starts his

SOURCE: Cannabis Chronicles Blog The Columbian / Associated Press
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Cannabis Chronicles Blog

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

It’s been a weird week for marijuana news. First, the newly named Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board released figures on Tuesday that appeared to show the fledgling recreational cannabis industry beginning to plateau after just

SOURCE: Cannabis Chronicles Blog
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Cannabis Chronicles BlogFeaturedThe Columbian / Associated Press

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Changes to the state’s medical marijuana program — part of an overhaul of the system recently approved by lawmakers — take effect Friday. The state’s Liquor Control Board is now the Liquor and Cannabis Board.

SOURCE: Cannabis Chronicles Blog Featured The Columbian / Associated Press
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Cannabis Chronicles BlogFeaturedThe Columbian / Associated Press

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

A Vancouver man accused of running an illegal marijuana business made a first appearance Monday in Clark County Superior Court. Adam L. Alexander, 31, faces allegations of 14 counts of possession of marijuana with the

SOURCE: Cannabis Chronicles Blog Featured The Columbian / Associated Press
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Cannabis Chronicles BlogFeaturedThe Columbian / Associated Press

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Under the blazing sun, uniformed and plain-clothed officers spent several hours Thursday carting off marijuana plants, money and equipment to grow the drug from a business on St. Johns Boulevard in Vancouver. The scene may

SOURCE: Cannabis Chronicles Blog Featured The Columbian / Associated Press
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Cannabis Chronicles BlogFeaturedThe Columbian / Associated Press

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

WILLIAMS, Ore. (AP) — Forty-two years after Oregon became the first state to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana, the state is taking its first steps along a road leading to state-licensed stores selling limited amounts

SOURCE: Cannabis Chronicles Blog Featured The Columbian / Associated Press
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