Posts Tagged

Weed Bunny


PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Got a press release from High End Market Place this week about their Easter special – and it looks like a great deal: $25 for a half-gram of Weed Bunny BHO Shatter. New Vansterdam also

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Mrs. Nice Guy

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Mrs. Nice Guy, who runs a great blog on all things marijuana here in Clark County, has offered to let us share some of her recreational marijuana strain reviews here on Cannabis Chronicles. This week,

SOURCE: Mrs. Nice Guy
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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

High End Market Place, Vancouver’s new pot shop at 1906 Broadway, officially opened on Jan 31, 2015 at its uptown location not far from Main Street Marijuana. I wasn’t able to make the grand opening,

SOURCE: Uncategorized
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