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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

A new effort to fix a federal tax issue that has created problems for marijuana businesses in Washington and elsewhere is being led by two Oregon Congressional delegates. Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Senator Ron

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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Two Clark County recreational pot shops were among the top three Washington stores for sales in March, according to data released today by the state Liquor Control Board. Vancouver’s Main Street Marijuana took the top

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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Vancouver’s recreational pot shop, New Vansterdam, plans to open its first medical dispensary in the Portland area on May 1, said Brian Budz, one of the store’s owners. The Vancouver store is consistently ranked among

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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

There may not be any documented cases of people dying from a cannabis overdose, but there are still some real health issues that could pop up from consuming it, especially through smoking. Don’t get me

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Mrs. Nice Guy

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Yep, another Agrijuana strain review, I think this makes three now? You can read a little bit more about Agrijuana here, and check out my review on their Blue Magoo strain. Agrijuana really is putting

SOURCE: Mrs. Nice Guy
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Mrs. Nice Guy

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Blue Magoo is a hybrid strain, grown by Agrijuana, it was the last strain in Cannabis Country Store’s, Cannabis Country Club. If you’€™d like to know more about Agrijuana you can visit their site, or

SOURCE: Mrs. Nice Guy
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Mrs. Nice Guy

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Here’€™s a strain review from the Cannabis Country Store’s, Cannabis Country Club (review). Blueberry (17.529%), is a hybrid strain that’s grown by Noble Farms. I can’€™t tell you much about Noble Farms, but the little

SOURCE: Mrs. Nice Guy
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The Columbian / Associated Press

PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

On a sunny afternoon in Vancouver, a former bank software expert, a temp, a nurse and a restaurant worker kept their hands busy as they chatted about why they left their old jobs and decided

SOURCE: The Columbian / Associated Press
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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

This is probably a bit inside baseball for most consumers, but I just thought I’d post it for our industry readers. The state Liquor Control Board sent out a release today with a few changes

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PUBLISHED: May 24th 2017

Welcome to Friday Deals for April 3, 2015. I asked all the Clark County recreational pot stores to give me two featured product deals each week, which we will run here on the site on

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